End of Year 6 Swimming Results St Wilfrid’s
We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded the Bronze Sainsbury’s School Games Mark award for our commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sport in 2014/15. We are now working towards the silver award.
At St. Wilfrid’s school P.E. is a very important part of our curriculum as we recognise the importance of teaching children how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We begin in early years, developing our children’s fundamental movement skills and co-ordination, through play. These key skills are developed throughout Key Stage 1 where children partake in more structured P.E. lessons, building on their skills through gymnastics, games, dance and athletics.
In Key Stage 2, these skills are further developed and they are introduced to more specific disciplines, for example throwing and catching skills may be used within a game of Tag Rugby or Netball.
Our swimming programme is delivered in Years 3 and 4, to encourage all children to meet National Curriculum standards. A further catch-up program in Year 5 and 6 aims to ensure all children have met these standards by the end of Year 6.
Our curriculum is tailored to complement the programme of competitions and festivals throughout the county. We fully participate in as many opportunities as possible to allow our children to compete against other schools in the local area. Not only is this an opportunity to test their physical skills, it is also a great way to meet other children, work as a team and learn to cope with success or disappointment, building a healthy, sporting attitude.
We have Sports Clubs running after school.
Events, Competitions and Tournaments
Please visit Education Enterprise Facebook page for BASFA results and fixtures for our school.