Welcome to Year 6
We are looking forward to a busy year ahead and we hope that you are too.
Year 6 is hard work, but rewarding and we hope that you will rise to the challenges and responsibilities.
We hope that you make the most of your last year at St. Wilfrid’s, by enjoying it and doing your best in all the opportunities that are available to you.
Work hard and have fun!
Mrs Ashurst and Miss Gage
Class Information
Select Our Learning Plans to find out more about what we are learning in Year 6.
Homework in Year 6
In Year 6 we will not complete Learning Logs. You will be given homework each week and this will complement the work that has been done during that week. It will be given out on Fridays and is due to be returned on Tuesdays. Any homework which is handed in late will not be marked. There will usually be English and Maths and a list of spellings. Spellings will be tested on Fridays so this gives a whole week in order to learn the words. Please encourage your child to complete their homework as independently as possible and to regularly read their reading book.
P.E. in Year 6
We will be having one session of P.E. each week, this term it'll be on a Thursday.
As you are aware, our P.E. kit consists of a plain white t-shirt, dark shorts/joggers and trainers or plimsolls.
ClassDojo is a communication app for the classroom, each child has their own character that collects their points for them. At St. Wilfrid’s we use ClassDojo to reward children for good behaviour, following school rules, fantastic work or being a good role model to others. At the end of each week/half term the child with the most Dojo’s wins a prize.
We also use ClassDojo to keep parents informed about what we have been doing, sending class messages to all parents about the work we have been doing in class and then also sending private messages to parents celebrating their own child’s achievements.
Year 6 Responsibilities
As the oldest children in the school, we take pride in acting as good role models and taking on a range of responsibilities. Our duties include:
- Buddies
- Playground Friends
- Library assistants
- Register monitors
- Recycling ‘Green’ team
- Gardeners
Year 6 Transition to Secondary School
Throughout Year 6, we will be supporting your child’s transition to secondary school by liaising with staff from the local schools and taking as many opportunities as we can to visit the schools. The children will all attend their new schools for induction days next July.