Our school is part of the parish of St. Mary and St. Wilfrid.

Our school has strong links with our local parish. The whole school often walks to St. Mary’s Church to celebrate mass, together with our local parish members. 

Father David celebrates mass with us in school, when members of the parish join us. We are always very happy to welcome him and our parish family into school and these are very special and enjoyable occasions.

At Lent our children pray the Stations of the Cross at St. Mary’s with families and local parish members invited.

We also pray together in school and  at church for special occasions, such as Easter and the end of the school year.

We plan 'Family Masses' across each term, an invitation to all our families to come to Sunday mass and to join the celebration and take an active part in the liturgy.

We encourage our children to take an active part in their local parish. The school works closely with the parish and catechists to support and prepare our children for First Holy Communion.

If you would like more information about our parish, please contact the school and we will be happy to help.