Welcome to Year 3, the start of Key Stage 2!

In Year 3, the teachers are Mrs. Kinsey and Mrs Roxborough.

In our class, we enjoy a varied curriculum, including some new activities for the children, like French and swimming.

English and Maths are taught every morning in our class, as well as daily grammar and spelling activities. In the afternoons we teach the foundation subjects and practise reading daily, through independent, guided and shared reading activities. If you have any questions about your child or our class routines, please don’t hesitate to ask one of us.

Mrs Kinsey and Mrs Roxborough 

Class Information

Updated: 08/06/2023 357 KB

Homework in Year 3

In Year 3, we ask the children to read at least 4 times per week, every night if possible! We will send spellings home each week on a Monday, and we will teach the spelling rule each day, before we test them on Friday. We have sent every child a spelling mat, with ideas to help them learn their spellings.  The children also bring home a learning log, where they can choose which tasks to complete. These include wild cards, where they can choose to present work on a topic of their own choice (their favourite footballer, a hobby etc). These are handed in each half term, and  we find they work really well for busy families and allow the children to pursue their own areas of interest and begin to develop self organisational skills.

P.E. in Year 3

In the Autumn term Year 3 will go swimming every Tuesday afternoon. Your child will need a swimming costume, towel and hat.


ClassDojo is a communication app for the classroom, each child has their own character that collects their points for them.  At St. Wilfrid’s we use ClassDojo to reward children for good behaviour, following school rules, fantastic work or being a good role model to others. At the end of each week/half term the child with the most Dojo’s wins a prize.

We also use ClassDojo to keep parents informed about what we have been doing, sending class messages to all parents about the work we have been doing in class and then also sending private messages to parents celebrating their own child’s achievements.