Welcome to Year 1

We hope the children had a great summer holiday and are looking forward to a new school year.

We have an exciting year ahead for your child and we are sure that they will enjoy the topics that we are covering. Have a look at  Our Learning Plans to find out more about what we are learning.

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Year 1 is the first year of Key Stage 1, when children begin to follow the National Curriculum.  The children will have Literacy and Maths lessons and continue to learn their sounds each day. Reading will take place regularly, individually and in groups with your child. Frequent reading at home is encouraged and will be rewarded and reading books will be changed every day if they have been read and the reading record signed. Thank you in advance for supporting your child with regular reading at home, as it makes such a difference to their progress.

Welcome again to Year 1!

Miss Hemy

Class Information


ClassDojo is a communication app for the classroom, each child has their own character that collects their points for them.  At St. Wilfrid’s we use ClassDojo to reward children for good behaviour, following school rules, fantastic work or being a good role model to others. At the end of each week/half term the child with the most Dojo’s wins a prize.

We also use ClassDojo to keep parents informed about what we have been doing, sending class messages to all parents about the work we have been doing in class and then also sending private messages to parents celebrating their own child’s achievements.

Homework in Year 1

Homework is given out on a Friday and should be returned on a Thursday morning. Please support your child to complete their homework each week, this should only take around 15 minutes and reinforces their learning of the previous week. Please sign the homework book and feel free to make a comment if you feel appropriate.

P.E. in Year 1

P.E. is usually on a Friday afternoon. Please can your child come to school in their PE kit on this day.