In case of Closure – Home Learning

Thankfully, school is fully open and we are not expecting to close for any lengthy period in the future. However, in the case of an unforeseen closure for any reason, we wanted to ensure that our children were able to access educational activities at home.

On this page, you will find websites that your child can access and we recommend, including those that they have individual login accounts for.

Always check Dojo! Class Dojo is our main form of communication with parents. Information from school and class teachers is regularly shared here.  If you do not yet have Dojo or are unsure about how to use it, below you will find links to Dojo videos, that can help you to login, share information with teachers or get in touch with the Dojo helpdesk.

How to Login to Dojo

How to Upload to Dojo Portfolio

Dojo Helpdesk

Websites the Children Have Logins For

Children have accounts for the following websites, and some will have a programme to follow or assigned activities, specific to classes, groups or individuals. These are the main websites that our teachers encourage the children to use. Purple Mash – the first link in the list takes the children to a website where the  children can login and access all areas of the curriculum and there are often ‘to do’ activities for the children available that have been assigned to them by their class teacher.

Purple Mash – Computing and curriculum activities (all children from Nursery to Y6)

Times Tables Rock Stars (all children from Y1 – Y6)

Oxford Owls (all children – EXCELLENT free ebooks at all school levels)

Renaissance MyOn (online reading books for all pupils)

Things To Do Away from The Screen

It’s good to escape the screens sometimes, and below are some links that give some ideas that don’t involve a laptop, a phone or a tablet!

Updated: 07/06/2023 324 KB

100 Screen free things to do

Prolonged Closure

If for any reason, school did need to close for a longer period of time, below you will find links to more substantial lessons that your child’s teacher might direct you towards or that might be helpful for you to access.

The DFE have supported Oak National Academy to put together daily lessons and activities for children from Reception onwards. Each day there is a video, some teaching and suggested activities. Below is the link for this government nationwide resource.

Oak National Academy

BBC Teach  fantastic daily live lessons, activities and prompts to help with home schooling across the full curriculum. All  BBC lessons and videos are available on Iplayer and red button too, so can be accessed on a TV.

Please find the link for BBC Primary Lessons below

BBC Bitesize lessons


These websites are packed with educational resources that we often use as teachers in school.

Twinkl – Activities and resources for the full curriculum

White Rose maths – Maths Activity Packs to match the curriculum

Online Safety

We all spend time online. Here’s a link to Think U Know an organisation who provide advice and support around Online Safety. They provide activities and information for pupils of all ages as well as parents.

Think U Know

Further Information

The drop down menu in this section of our website also provides parents and carers with useful information if you are considering our school or have a child who is a pupil at our school.

If you would like a paper copy (or any other format) of any of our documents on our website please speak to the school office, who will provide them to you free of charge. If you require further information about any of the items shown in this section, please contact the school and we will do our best to help.