Year 5/6 Intra-school Cricket Competition.

As part of our curriculum link with Education Enterprise and Chance to Shine we have, over the last term, been developing our cricket skills. All of the pupils in years 5 and 6 have been involved in developing their knowledge and skills in cricket. Every child has grown in confidence throughout the term and some children have shown outstanding talent, previously unknown – even to themselves!

In order to celebrate this achievement and to give every child the chance to participate and demonstrate their good sporting attitude, we held an intra-school competition.

The pupils were organised into their sports day teams which mixed the classes together into colours rather than classes.

The colours were drawn as lots and we initially played two games. We then went on to hold a playoff game and a final.

All of the children enjoyed the afternoon and supported each other both during the game and from the side lines.

The atmosphere for the final was exciting and unbelievably ended up as a draw! Both teams earned 40 points to be added to their sports day total.