Our School Office Staff are here to help you, however here are a few items that may be useful to parents and carers which you can view or download from our website.

Our School Day

Due to our COVID restrcictions, pupils arrive at school and leave school in 2 groups with staggered times.

Group A 8.45 – 3.00pm and Group B 9.00am-3.15pm

Temporary changes to timetables have been made over the past year.

Here is a breakdown of our school day:

School begins at 9:00 am every morning. Morning worship, in classes or collectively as a school or Key Stage, takes place immediately after registration. This is a very important and valued time in our school, with children given opportunities to pray and reflect individually and as a group. This is sometimes led by adults, but we also encourage children to plan and lead their own worship.

In the morning, every child studies English and Maths. The morning also includes time set aside for reinforcing basic skills such as spelling and phonics. Morning break is 10.15am for Key Stage 1 and 10.25 for Key Stage 2.

Lunch time begins at 11.45 for First Steps; 12pm for Key Stage 1 and 12:15pm for Key Stage 2. Key Stage 1 and EYFS children return to lessons at 1pm then Key Stage 2 at 1.15pm. In the afternoon we study Foundation Subjects. Key Stage 1 has a 15 minute break at 2:00pm.

The school day ends for all children at 3:15pm.

School Lunches

Our school lunches are provided by Taylor Shaw. You can download this term’s menu below.

Taylor Shaw Autumn Winter menu 2016

Downloadable Forms

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to read our Medicine Policy, giving details of when school can administer your child’s medicine, visit out School Policies page
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