A School Family, growing together in Love Friendship and Faith

At St Wilfrid’s, we understand that we are partners in the care and education of our children, alongside our families. We endeavour to work with parents, grandparents and carers, welcoming them into our school family with an ‘open door’ policy, so that we can all best support and nurture our precious children as they grow and learn.


Our children feel loved within our school family. This is at the centre of all that we do at St Wilfrid’s. We work hard to let our children know that they have important, God given talents, that are valuable to our school family and beyond. Each child is made to feel special for who they are, and are encouraged to value the thoughts and ideas of others.


We are good friends to one another, recognising and celebrating our similarities and differences, as a community, both in school and the wider world.  We aim to be a good neighbour to all.  We care for one another in our school and encourage our children to think about how they can show concern and compassion for the wider world community.


We strive to develop in our children, a Faith that will grow with them, and sustain them into adult life. We gather together and invite our families and community into prayerful worship, sharing in the Good News Jesus gave to us. We ensure that our children know that they are – and always will be – part of a special Faith family, within school, as part of our Parish and the wider church community, all of whom are there to love and support them throughout their lives.

The Story of Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement was created with the help of our School Council and all of The St. Wilfrid’s Family. Our councillors asked their classes to write words that showed what St Wilfrid’s meant to them. The overwhelmingly most popular were;


We wove these into a choice of statements, from which our children, parents, staff, and governors could choose their favourite. Finally, with the help of The School Council, the full statement was written and approved.