Welcome to Year Two!

This year will be very busy year for your child, and they will need to work hard both at school and home to prepare them for the work set. 

In Year 2 Mrs Stephenson will teach the children Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and Miss Gage will teach them on Wednesdays.

Numeracy – We teach numeracy every day and we cover a great number of topics across the year. Calculations are covered daily in our mental oral starters, so if you could practice some basic adding and take away sums with your child it will support them in their classroom work.

Literacy – We teach Literacy every day, using a class text as a focus for our work. We will use these texts to cover stories, newspaper articles, biographies, instructions and poetry. We will also continue to practice and learn phonic strategies, learn different spelling rules and the children will get an opportunity to practice these rules with home spellings. Spellings will be handed out on a Monday and tested on a Friday.

Foundation subjects – We cover Science, ICT, History, Art, DT, PE and RE in our afternoon sessions. Please feel free to research some of the topics we cover with your child to give them greater understanding. You can view Our Learning Plans below to find out what we will be covering.

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General information

Please ensure that your child’s name is written in all items of school uniform to avoid losing items.

Your child’s reading is extremely important in Year Two. You can help your child by reading with them daily and writing in their reading record. We aim to check your child’s reading record on a daily basis, so please ensure that it is in school every day as this way their book can be changed regularly.

P.E. is on Tuesday, please make sure your child has their kit in school at all times.

We will set your child homework every Friday to be completed over the weekend and returned to school on Monday. The homework will link to the work that we are doing in class. Please support your child with this, but try and encourage the children to answer the questions independently as it will consolidate skills learnt that week.

If you have any questions or queries about strategies we use in class or anything that is happening in school, please feel free to send a message on Dojo or speak to one of us at the beginning or end of the school day.

We really appreciate your support.

Thank you,

Mrs Stephenson and Miss Gage.

Class Information

Select  Our Learning Plans to find out more about our lessons  in Year 2. .


ClassDojo is a communication app for the classroom, each child has their own character that collects their points for them.  At St. Wilfrid’s we use ClassDojo to reward children for good behaviour, following school rules, fantastic work or being a good role model to others. At the end of each week/half term the child with the most Dojo’s wins a prize.

We also use ClassDojo to keep parents informed about what we have been doing, sending class messages to all parents about the work we have been doing in class and then also sending private messages to parents celebrating their own child’s achievements.