At St. Wilfrid’s, we work closely with local groups and organisations, encouraging  our children to view themselves as valuable members of society, who can make a difference to their local and wider community. We have recently undertaken a number of projects with local heritage institutions, community support organisations and ecumenical  groups to celebrate and support our local area. As well as contributing to local endeavours. At St, Wilfrid’s we also try to ensure our families are able  to access  support whenever needed, through our local community providers by signposting parents to what is available. We work closely as a team with all parties to make sure that the help is well directed and sustainable for as long as it may be needed.

Carol Singing Bishop Auckland Hospital

Children from St. Wilfrid’s are visit our local hospital each Christmas, to sing carols and Christmas songs for patients and staff.

Auckland Project

St. Wilfrid’s works closely with the  local regeneration charity and heritage organisation – The Auckland Project. Our school has taken part in many arts projects, visits, workshops and publication activities with The Auckland Project. As close working partners, we were lucky enough to be chosen last year as VIP guests of honour to the opening of  The Spanish Gallery in Bishop Auckland, where children from our school met and presented gifts to King Charles III and Queen Letizia of Spain.

Bowes Museum

We are proud to be partners with one of our local and nationally renowned museums – The Bowes Museum. We have engaged in many creative projects with the museum, introducing new skills and understanding to our children, including dementia awareness, quilting, exploring instillations and glass printing.  As a partner school, we were invited to contribute to a public exhibition celebrating the life and reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Our children made voice recordings, medals and a centre piece mural.

Woodhouse Close Church and Community Centre

We are proud to support and work very closely with Woodhouse Close Church and Community Centre, who are one of our closest neighbours. This amazing charitable organisation offers support in the form of; crisis intervention projects, local foodbank, advice regarding benefits, after school groups, warm room and much more. At school, we support the WHCCC through donations and work in collaboration with staff to support local families.

We are very proud of the many links we have with our local, national and international community and the way our children’s education and development is enhanced by these links. Please click on the links below to find out more.

Our Local Community

Woodhouse Close Church and Community Centre

Auckland Project

The Bowes Museum

Daisy Arts Community Arts

Little Chef Big Chef at St. Helen’s Auckland

Bread and Butter Initiative at St Andrew’s School

We also welcome lots of visitors to our school and value the experiences and messages they share with our children. We have visits from:

  • Fire Service and Community Police Officers
  • Visual Impairment North East
  • Daisy Arts Community Arts Project
  • Durham University
  • Eleven Arches
  • Nationally recognised Authors and Poets

Supporting Charities

Every year we raise money for the charities listed below. This may be done by holding a non-uniform day, making things in class to sell, or sponsored events and fun days. We also sell poppies for the Royal British Legion every year and hold a special Remembrance collective worship. For Comic Relief, we raise money by selling noses, as well as having a non-uniform funday. We also support local charities such as St Cuthbert’s Care and Woodhouse Close food bank. Our support for these charities encourages our children to think about the situations of others, other cultures and contemporary issues in society.

We support:
