Welcome to our School Council
What We Do
At St. Wilfrid’s we value the opinions and talents of all our children. We have an active School Council, voted for by the children and they are involved in many aspects of school life.
Our School Council is an active and valued part of our school. From Year 2, two children are elected by their class to represent them. At meetings they discuss issues that concern the children. In the past they have:
- Improved the playground by working with the PTA to raise money for playground equipment and markings and identifying how it should be spent.
- Worked with the school management team to revise the school mission statement.
- Changed the cutlery used at lunchtime to metal cutlery.
- Worked out timetables for the use of Play Equipment outside, so that all classes had a fair turn.
- Identified ways to make the school greener, including recycling.
- Taken part in anti-bullying workshops and passed on their message to other pupils.
We have also been approached by Bishop Auckland Football Club to give them ideas for establishing an education centre. We very much enjoyed visiting the club and giving them our ideas.
This year the School Council have also been an active part of the school. They have met with the Chair of Governors to talk about our school; they have requested new playground toys which school have supplied and they have worked with our Head teacher to develop new systems to reward behaviour and attendance. Their contributions to the life of our school are, as always, much appreciated and valued.