Welcome to all new families and returning families to St.Wilfrid’s First Steps.  The children have settled really well and are getting used to daily routines.  These first few weeks we have been getting to know your children, finding out their likes and dislikes and what they are interested in.  This will inform our future planning, so that we can get the very best out of your children as they learn.  The children are learning our classroom rules which will help us to work and play together.

The children have taken parts in lots of different activities over the last few weeks as they settle and get used to their new surroundings.

Nursery children have been learning the names of their new friends and they are getting very good at sitting on the carpet to listen to stories and sing nursery rhymes.  The children have enjoyed spending time in our outdoor area and are getting very good at putting on their own coats.

Reception have started their phonics and maths learning.  The reception children were very excited this week as they were able to take a reading book home for the first time!  The reception children have also been working with the Auckland Project.  Yesterday they thoroughly enjoyed stick winding to accompany the Stick man story by Julia Donaldson.